Every Marvel Snap Pool 3 card – Best Pool 3 cards in Marvel Snap

Do you need help building a deck in Marvel Snap? Here are some card options for Pool 3.

Image via Second Dinner and Marvel

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Marvel Snap gives players a wonderful new experience that showcases a lot of familiar faces in the Marvel franchise. It features dozens of Marvel superheroes and villains, each with their own unique abilities. To unlock more cards, players must first earn Credits and character-specific Boosters.

Once you have gathered enough Credits and Boosters, you can upgrade cards to increasingly higher levels. Upgrading cards is necessary to level up your Challenge Level, and doing so will reward you with all sorts of goodies such as Credits, Boosters, and new cards to add to your deck. Here are all of the cards available in the Pool 3 Collection Levels 462 and onward.

Related: Every Marvel Snap Pool 2 card – Best Pool 2 cards in Marvel Snap

All Pool 3 cards in Marvel Snap

0-cost cards in Pool 3

Yellowjacket2On Reveal: Afflict your other cards at this location with -1 Power.

1-cost cards in Pool 3

Deadpool1When this is destroyed, return it to your hand with double the Power.
Human Torch2When this moves, double its Power.
The Hood-2On Reveal: Add a Demon to your hand.
Quinjet2Ongoing: Cards that didn’t start in your deck cost 1 less.
Zero3On Reveal: Remove the abilities on the next card you play.

2-cost cards in Pool 3

Adam Warlock0At the end of each turn, if you are winning this location, draw a card.
Baron Mordo3On Reveal: Your opponent draws a card. Set its cost to 6.
Beast2On Reveal: Return your other cards at this location to your hand. They cost 1 less.
Black Widow1On Reveal: Add a Widow’s Bite to your opponent’s hand.
Colleen Wing4On Reveal: Discard the lowest-cost card from your hand.
Dagger1When this moves to a location, +2 Power for each card your opponent has there.
Daredevil2On turn 5, you get to see your opponent’s plays before you make your own.
Falcon3On Reveal: Return your 1-Cost cards to your hand.
Goose2Ongoing: Nobody can play cards that cost 4, 5, or 6 at this location.
Hazmat1Ongoing: Give all other cards -1 Power.
Invisible Woman2Ongoing: Cards you play here are not revealed until the game ends.
Mojo2Ongoing: If both players have 4 cards at this location, +6 Power.
Mysterio5As you play this, play Illusions to other locations. Disguise this as an Illusion until the game ends.
Psylocke1On Reveal: Next turn, you get +1 Energy.
Quake3On Reveal: If this is at the middle location, swap the positions of each location.
Viper3On Reveal: Your opponent gains control of one of your other cards at this location.

3-cost cards in Pool 3

Black Cat6If this is in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it.
Brood2On Reveal: Add 2 Broodlings to this location with the same Power.
Cerebro0Ongoing: Your highest Power cards get +2 Power.
Debrii3On Reveal: Add a Rock to each other location, for both players.
Electro2On Reveal: +1 Max Energy. Ongoing: You can only play 1 card per turn.
Gambit1On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand. Destroy a random enemy card.
Green Goblin-3On Reveal: Your opponent gains control of this.
Juggernaut3On Reveal: If your opponent played cards here this turn, move them randomly.
Kingpin4When a card moves here on turn 6, destroy it.
Lockjaw2When you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck.
Maximus7On Reveal: Your opponent draws 2 cards.
Moon Knight3On Reveal: Discard a card from each player’s hand.
Mystique0On Reveal: If the last card you played has an Ongoing ability, this card gains it.
Patriot1Ongoing: Your cards with no abilities have +2 Power.
Polaris5On Reveal: Move an opposing 1 or 2-Cost card to this location.
Rogue1On Reveal: Steal an Ongoing ability from a random enemy card at this location.
Thor4On Reveal: Shuffle Mjolnir into your deck.
Venom1On Reveal: Destroy your other cards at this location. Add their Power to this card.
Wave3On Reveal: Next turn, cards in both players’ hands cost 4.

4-cost cards in Pool 3

Crossbones8You can only play this at locations where you are winning.
Crystal4On Reveal: If this is at the middle location, shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 3 cards.
Dracula0After the final turn, discard a card from your hand. This has its Power.
Drax4On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +4 Power.
Ghost Rider3On Reveal: Bring back one of your discarded cards to this location.
Hellcow6On Reveal: Discard 2 cards from your hand.
Mister Negative4On Reveal: Swap the Power and Cost of all cards in your deck.
Omega Red5Ongoing: If you’re ahead by 10 Power here, +4 Power to other locations.
Rescue4On Reveal: If you play a card here next turn, +5 Power.
Rockslide6On Reveal: Shuffle 2 Rocks into your opponent’s deck.
Spider-Man3On Reveal: Your opponent can’t play cards at this location next turn.
Typhoid Mary10Ongoing: Your other cards have -1 Power.
Wong2Ongoing: Your On Reveal abilities at this location happen twice.

5-cost cards in Pool 3

Aero8On Reveal: Move all enemy cards played this turn to this location.
Black Bolt8On Reveal: Your opponent must discard the lowest-Cost card in their hand.
Captain Marvel6At the end of the game, move to a location that wins you the game. (If possible)
Doctor Octopus10On Reveal: Pull 4 random cards from your opponent’s hand to their side of this location.
Jane Foster8On Reveal: Draw all cards that Cost 0 from your deck.
Magik3You can’t play this on turn 6. On Reveal: Change this location to ‘Limbo’.
Red Skull15Ongoing: Enemy cards at this location have +2 Power.
Ronan the Accuser0Ongoing: +2 Power for each card in your opponent’s hand.
Sera5Ongoing: Cards in your hand cost 1 less. (minimum 1)
Taskmaster0On Reveal: Set this card’s Power equal to the Power of the last card you played.

6-cost cards in Pool 3

Agatha Harkness14Agatha starts in your hand and plays your cards for you.
Arnim Zola0On Reveal: Destroy a random friendly card here. Add copies of it to the other locations.
Destroyer16On Reveal: Destroy your other cards.
Doctor Doom5On Reveal: Add a 5-Power DoomBot to each other location.
Giganto14You can only play this at the left location.
Hela6On Reveal: Play all cards you discarded from your hand to random locations.
Leader4On Reveal: Copy all cards your opponent played this turn, but on your side.
Magneto12On Reveal: Move all opposing 3 and 4-Cost cards to this location.
Ultron8On Reveal: Create four 1-Power Drones at each other location.

9-cost cards in Pool 3

Death12Costs 1 less for each card destroyed this game.

Best cards in Pool 3

Some of the best cards in Marvel Snap may not look all that great from the outset, but with a bit of strategy, they can prove to be pretty useful. Here are some of the very best cards in Pool 3:

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Aero58On Reveal: Move all enemy cards played this turn to this location.
Baron Mordo23On Reveal: Your opponent draws a card. Set its cost to 6.
Captain Marvel56At the end of the game, move to a location that wins you the game. (If possible)
Hellcow46On Reveal: Discard 2 cards from your hand.
Leader64On Reveal: Copy all cards your opponent played this turn, but on your side.
Mister Negative44On Reveal: Swap the Power and Cost of all cards in your deck.