A Banjo-Kazooie Switch Listing Has Appeared On Amazon Germany, But Don’t Get Your Hopes Up

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A Banjo-Kazooie listing for the Nintendo Switch has appeared on Amazon Germany, which is probably going to get some hearts fluttering, but you might want to keep those dreams in check. The listing gives no details, no artwork, and no other information beyond a working title and a platform.

Banjo-Kazooie Amazon Germany

The timing feels a little strange and makes me think that this is not something that we should take too seriously. We just had Banjo-Kazooie announced for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at E3, and the internet came pretty close to melting from the news.

If a new Banjo-Kazooie were on the way, or even something like a remaster or a remake, then that would have been the perfect time to announce it. A sweet double dip would have been the ideal marketing move, as you reveal Banjo-Kazooie for Smash, let people think that the news cannot be beaten, and then announce that Banjoo-Kazooie will be back in a whole game of their own for Switch. If a release window of late 2020 would have justified a move like that.

Think of the massive pop that would have gotten around the world. It’s difficult to think that the game would be far enough long to send information to retailers, but not far enough along to even mention at E3 2019.

For now, I would say to treat this one as more of an aberration than a rumor. I also fully expect it to inspire a few fake “leaks” over the coming weeks and months. For now, I’m calling this one nonsense, although I would love to be wrong.