Fallout 76 Patch 9 Turns Your Camp In A Shop

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One of the most interesting premises of Fallout 76 was that, in the absence of NPC, you could become a proper seller in the world of the game.

While that hasn’t happened at launch, nor thus far, Bethesda is finally introducing a feature that lets you turn your camp into a full-fledged shop, where you’ll be able to sell stuff to other players at prices that you, and only you, will set.

“With Patch 9, we’re going to add personal Vending Machines that aspiring entrepreneurs around Appalachia can use to turn their C.A.M.P.s into makeshift markets,” said the developer in a blog post.

“These vending machines will allow you to turn a profit by selling items you’ve made or found during your adventures. You can also visit other Dwellers’ C.A.M.P.s to pick up new gear for your collection.”

Once you build a Vending Machine, you can assign items to it directly from your Stash and choose the Cap prices you’d like buyers to pay for them.

Items you place in your Vending Machine will remain in your Stash, but they will also display a new vending icon next to their names so that it’s easy to identify what you’ve marked for sale at a glance.

You will receive a notification whenever a buyer snatches up one of your wares. Caps from your sale, minus a nominal fee of 10% to maintain a healthy in-game economy, will be added to your Cap balance.

An icon with your shop’s position will pop up on other players’ map as long as you’re not wanted, so be good, and that will make for good advertising space for your shop.

Patch 9 will be available on May 7, and that will be the latest of the updates Bethesda has been working on lately to make Fallout 76 a better place for fans of the franchise.
