You’ll Be Raiding More Tombs This September

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Sometimes when publishers have big news, something can happen that spoils the party. We have had people spot things on monitors when devs release photos from within the studio. We have had plain old leaks by people in the know. This time, a publisher was brought low by people simply reading the source code for a website.

Square Enix had promised big Tomb Raider news tomorrow, but now everyone already knows what that is! A new Tomb Raider game is coming, scheduled for release on September 14. It is apparently called Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The main difference with this installment seems to be that it isn’t being made by Crystal Dynamics, the studio responsible for the last two titles in the series. Instead, Eidos Montreal have taken over developer duties. You’ll know Eidos Montreal as the studio behind the Thief reboot, and the last two Deus Ex games. This is all according to sources that have spoken to people at Kotaku.

There will be a reveal event for the game tomorrow, March 15 at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET / 1 PM GMT / 11 PM AEST. This will be followed up by a gameplay reveal next month. I quite enjoyed the last two Tomb Raider titles, although I must confess that I am not what you call a long term fan of the series. I do look forward to seeing what this new game is all about, though. If it carries on with the interesting character development and fun action of the previous titles, I’ll be a happy man.

For those who want to get a dose of Lara’s adventures before the new game’s release, the Tomb Raider movies is releasing on March 16, starring Alicia Vikander as the adventurous Croft. We will keep you updated on any news that breaks about the game, as it happens.