How Anarchy Battles work in Splatoon 3 – ranked mode explained

Pure anarchy and chaos.

Image via Nintendo

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It doesn’t matter what demographic it is mainly made for, if there is an online multiplayer shooter game, there is likely a portion of that community that desires a competitive mode. Even though Splatoon 3 is made by Nintendo, there is a group of players that take the game more seriously than others. However, the ranked mode from Splatoon 2 has been replaced with the Anarchy Mode. Here is how it works and what you need to know about it.

Related: Splatoon 3 beginner’s guide – tips and tricks for new players

How to unlock Anarchy Battles in Splatoon 3

For people who are jumping into Splatoon 3 without any data imported from Splatoon 2, Anarchy Modes will unlock once you reach level 10 on your player profile. However, if you imported data from Splatoon 2 that had ranked data on it, you will automatically have these competitive modes available after you reach level 2.

What is the difference between Anarchy Battles Open and Anarchy Battles Series?

You will notice there are two options for Anarchy Battles in Splatoon 3: Open or Series. Series is a mode that can only be entered solo, so no friends partying up, and will task you to win five matches before you lose three. This has a much bigger impact on your rank.

Open matchmaking lets you match up with friends and has a different game mode from the Series option. This is only one game at a time, so your overall ranking is not heavily affected but will slightly change from this.

What modes are in Anarchy Battles?

Image via Nintendo

There are four modes in Anarchy Battles, and none of them are the normal Turf War you play in the standard games.

  • Clam Blitz – Collect Clams that appear around the map and throw them into the goal on your opponent’s goal in front of their spawn area.
  • Rainmaker – Work together with your team to break through the shield on the Rainmaker and deliver to checkpoints until you reach the final goal on your opponent’s side of the field.
  • Splat Zones – Sections of the map are marked that your team needs to cover in their ink. If you have at least 70% of a zone in your color, you need to hold it for a certain amount of time until you win.
  • Tower Control – This is similar to a game of Tug-of-War. There is a tower in the middle that will move towards the opposing team’s goal if your team is on top of it. Take it to the end of the line to win.

How is your rank decided in Anarchy Battles?

If you are coming into Splatoon 3 with ranked data imported from the second game, you will get a slight head start at B-. Without the data from the previous game, you start out at rank C- and S+ is the absolute top-tier. The points you earn or lose is completely dependent on your wins and losses as well as medals and other results, so always play your best. You gain eight points for wins, and lose progressively more the higher rank you are.

Before you can enter Anarchy Battles Series, you need to first offer up some of your Rank points. Here is a breakdown of the number of points you need to surrender in order to fight for more.

  • S+0 and up: 180
  • S: 170
  • A+: 130
  • A: 120
  • A-: 110
  • B+: 85
  • B: 70
  • B-: 55
  • C+: 40
  • C: 20
  • C-: 0

When participating in a series, you have one rank across all game modes in Anarachy Battles, but this is separate from your X Power rank if you reached at least S+ in a season.