Who won the King’s Fall Raid World First Race in Destiny 2?

Time to go for the crown.

Image via Bungie

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The World First Race for the return of the King’s Fall raid in Destiny 2 is about to commence. We will be offering live updates of the race to see who is in the lead, and we will do our best to keep you informed of who’s going home with the crown. We expect things to be relatively chaotic throughout this process, but we will do our best to keep everyone informed of the estimated standings. The race will start slow but will heat up as the day continues.

King’s Fall Raid World First Race in Destiny 2

Who won the World First Race?

No one has taken the crown or has started their descent into the Taken King’s realm. We’re waiting to get started.

  • 7:18 PM ET: Bungie has confirmed that Clan Elysium are the winners of the World First Race for King’s Fall. Congratulations to team members Cruz, Kyros, VileFate, Moople, Quazz, and Saltagreppo.
  • 6:02 PM ET: Bungie will be on the case to figure out who is the winner of King’s Fall World First Race.
  • 6:01 PM ET: It looks like Saltagreppo’s team has gone forward and completed the Challenge Mode of King’s Fall.
  • 6:00 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s Team has defeated Oryx. They are dashing to Orbit, and it looks like they will claim the title.
  • 5:57 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s team is ahead of ATP by a DPS phase. If they don’t find themselves falling on the challenge, they could take the title. ATP’s team has wiped.
  • 5:52 PM ET: ATP’s team is also working on Oryx, as Saltagreppo’s team figures out how to work the challenge. Datto is attempting to defeat the Daughters of Oryx.
  • 5:47 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s team is doing incredible damage to Oryx. Could they take the World First title for the third time in a row?
  • 5:44 PM ET: We have teams all over the place in this raid. Currently, Saltagreppo’s team is on Oryx and attempting to defeat the Taken King. ATP’s Team and Datto are working on defeating the Daughters of Oryx. Panora and Leopard’s teams are working on defeating the Golgoroth. TofuBaked and ExBlack’s teams are attempting to defeat the Warpriest.
  • 5:40 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s team has defeated the Daughters of Oryx. They have made it to Oryx.
  • 5:37 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s team is doing excellent work to the Daughters of Oryx and killed one of them. ATP’s team has made it through to the Daughters.
  • 5:28 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s team is the only one that has been it to the Daughters of Oryx, supposedly, and many others are still working on Golgoroth.
  • 5:22 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s team has figured out the challenge behind Golgoroth, and they are now moving forward to face off against the Daughters.
  • 5:18 PM ET: It’s been pretty steady so far here with most players racing to World First are on the Golgoroth encounter in the Challenge Mode. Right now, it looks like Saltagreppo is leading the charge against Golgoroth.
  • 5:10 PM ET: ATP’s team has made it through to Golgoroth. Multiple teams have made their way to this point, and they’re working out how to tackle this challenge.
  • 5:04 PM ET: Datto’s team has cleared the Warpriest, but they wiped right at the end. Regardless, it counted, and they can progress to Golgoroth.
  • 4:56 PM ET: Saltagreppo has made it to Golgoroth. Panora has been here for a bit, with multiple other teams still working on Warpriest.
  • 4:52 PM ET: Golgoroth is a current benchmark, with Panora supposedly in the lead. Many other teams are still working on the Warpriest challenge, but ATP and Saltgreppo’s teams appeared to have figured it out, and it’s a matter of getting through this section.
  • 4:48 PM ET: Panora has completed the Challenge Mode for Warpriest, and they are working on Golgoroth
  • 4:45 PM ET: Saltgreppo’s team was getting close, but the rug was pulled from underneath them. Things are getting heated.
  • 4:41 PM ET: Saltgreppo’s team is doing some serious damage. Could this be the turning moment we’ve been waiting to see?
  • 4:37 PM ET: ATP’s team might have figured it out, but they’ll need to start from the other. Other teams featuring TofuBake, Datto, Panora, and Saltgreppo are working on the Warpriest. Saltgreppo’s team is doing some decent damage to the Warpriest.
  • 4:34 PM ET: ATP’s team has made it beyond the second damage phase and done some serious damage to Warpriest. This might be the progress they need to advance to the next phase.
  • 4:29 PM ET: ATP’s team has undergone a Challenge Wipe on the Warpriest.
  • 4:27 PM ET: ATP’s team has survived through a DPS phase, which is a first for all teams.
  • 4:24 PM ET: ATP has damaged the Warpriest, but the challenge wipe is happening for them, Datto, Panora, and others.
  • 4:21 PM ET: The teams are trying to figure out what they need to do with the Brand buff they receive and how they fit into the secret challenge.
  • 4:15 PM ET: TofuBake’s team has overcome the Totems, and they are making their way to the Warpriest encounter, where teams are struggling to figure out the mysteries behind it for the Challenge Mode.
  • 4:10 PM ET: More teams are making their way to the Warpriest encounter. Many are struggling with this part, and the Warpriest has yet to take any damage.
  • 3:59 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s team has made it past the first Oryx fight, and they now working their way through the Challenge mode. So far, it appears ATP’s Team is in the lead with the first challenge under their belt.
  • 3:58 PM ET: ATP’s Team has completed the first challenge and has moved forward to the Warpriest encounter
  • 3:54 PM ET: Datto’s team has made it to the second phase of the King’s Fall Raid, and they are now attempting to learn the Secret Requirements for the triumphs.
  • 3:47 PM ET: ATP and TofuBake have made their way to the Totems, trying to learn the secret requirements for the triumphs.
  • 3:43 PM ET: TofuBake’s team has gotten through the Oryx encounter and is now working on the Challenge Mode for The King’s Fall raid.
  • 3:38 PM ET: We can confirm All Team Players (ATP) have cleared Oryx. There is now a team working on the second phase of Challenge Mode. We’re halfway through the King’s Fall Raid World Race, and this is where the real competition begins.
  • 3:37 PM ET: We have TofuBake and Datto working on Oryx, but ATP Team has cleared the first run of King’s Fall raid. They can now move on to the Challenge Mode.
  • 3:33 PM ET: TofuBake, Datto, and Panora’s teams are all on Oryx, working out how to best tackle the enemies in this encounter to damage the Taken King. It’s a steady back and forth to see who’s the first team to clear the raid to move on to the Challenge Mode.
  • 3:28 PM ET: TofuBake tragically nearly makes it to the end. But an Orge, or multiple, arrived at the end, preoccupying the team from stunning Oryx in the final stand. Time to reset for another chance.
  • 3:24 PM ET: TofuBake is getting close to the 1/4 health checkpoint, with a solid rotation from everyone on the Fireteam.
  • 3:20 PM ET: TofuBake and their team have nearly made it through the second half of Oryx. We’re mostly here to see how Tofu’s team does, but Panora and Datto are still working their way through the start of this encounter.
  • 3:16 PM ET: TofuBake’s team is working through the Oryx fight, and Datto is still working with the mechanics in this encounter. Panora’s team is also on Oryx. Multiple teams are working on the Daughters and Golgoroth.
  • 3:13 PM ET: Datto’s team has made it to Oryx.
  • 3:10 PM ET: It looks like Oryx has a DPS phase. Good luck, Guardians.
  • 3:08 PM ET: Multiple teams on Daughters right now, but TofuBake is still ahead by battling against Oryx and trying their hand to defeat the Taken King.
  • 3:02 PM ET: TofuBake and their team are on Oryx, and has an updated attack.
  • 3:00 PM ET: There is a team on Oryx right now. We’re trying to figure out the team.
  • 2:54 PM ET: Panora was the first to reach the Daughters, with Datto behind them.
  • 2:51 PM ET: Datto has cleared Golgoroth.
  • 2:48 PM ET: Datto and his team are getting beyond the halfway point with Golgoroth, potentially pulling ahead of Saltagreppo’s Fireteam.
  • 2:43 PM ET: More teams are starting to make their way past the Warpriest and into the Golgoroth encounter.
  • 2:35 PM ET: Saltagreppo and his team are working on Golgoroth. Datto’s team has now cleared the Warpriest and is about to start this phase. Other teams are still working on the Warpriest.
  • 2:29 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s team is battling against Golgoroth. Many other teams are still working on the previous encounter, the Warpriest.
  • 2:26 PM ET: Saltagreppo’s team has done. They have defeated the Warpriest and are moving on to the next phase.
  • 2:20 PM ET: All teams are still working on the Warpriest encounter, with Saltagreppo’s team getting the closest.
  • 2:06 PM ET: Both Saltagreppo and Datto’s are pushing forward but have wiped. These two are neck in neck for this encounter, and it’s anyone’s game to see who progresses forward first.
  • 2:06 PM ET: Saltagreppo have also figured this out, and they have the Warpriest well under half, potentially charging ahead to take the current lead.
  • 2:03 PM ET: Datto’s team has figured something out, but right before defeating Warpriest, they wiped. They have definitely figured something out with a stacking buff against this boss.
  • 1:59 PM ET: Datto’s team has the Warpriest right at half health, potentially giving them a jump forward to the next stage if they continue this momentum.
  • 1:57 PM ET: Datto is doing some solid DPS to the Warpriest and appears to be doing the best of the teams.
  • 1:55 PM ET: The teams struggle to determine the order of the tiles they need to shoot during the encounter.
  • 1:42 PM ET: The Warpreist is proving a difficult encounter, taking out a handful of teams and pushing them back.
  • 1:40 PM ET: A handful of teams have made it to the Warpriest encounter, and there are few changes to this encounter, featuring more Taken.
  • 1:29 PM ET: Many teams still struggle in the first couple of encounters. It’s interesting to see additions come in from Destiny 2 and updating the raid from the original Destiny format.
  • 1:25 PM ET: The servers are doing significantly better than Vow of the Disciple was several months ago.
  • 1:14 PM ET: Teams are engaging in a set of jumping puzzles featuring the tomb ships, and it has the same pattern as the first raid.
  • 1:05 PM ET: All teams are going through the first few areas. Many are in the same location, and starting will be slow.
  • 1 PM ET: And we’re off to the races. The fight to become the World First champion for the King’s Fall raid has started.

King’s Fall Raid start times

The King’s Fall Raid will open up in Contest Mode starting 10 AM PT/1 PM ET/6 PM UTC/7 PM CET for players worldwide. For those keen to participate, make to review the rules for your Fireteam.

Contest Mode details

The raid will be in Contest Mode for those running through the King’s Fall raid in the first 24 hours. While in Contest Mode, despite being a higher Light Level, your Guardian will be capped to 1560 for the raid. Everyone who participates in the battle should be able to approach it in the same way, equalizing the playing field for a World First competition. Upon completing the Contest Mode of King’s Fall, a Challenge Mode will be available with secret triumphs in each encounter. Whoever completes these encounters learns these secret triumphs will win the crown.

Completion Rules

Bungie has shared that they encourage players to double-check that they receive rewards for each encounter and completion to count. The first team to defeat the final boss, loot the chest, and return to orbit will receive the winner.

The winner will be announced on the @DestinyTheGame twitter account.