How to unlock the bookcase in The Prince’s Apartment in Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong

Everyone has secrets, including the Prince.

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During the intermission between the first round of missions and the second, you will have to play as Emem back at the safehouse. During this intermission, you will be tasked with tracking down some Anarchs, rogue Vampires that do not adhere to the Prince’s Court in a plan to have them aid you when challenging the Spanish Inquisition. However, before you set out, you are given the opportunity to do some sleuth work and investigate what the Prince is hiding. In order to do this, you have a limited time to solve some puzzles — so here’s how to unlock the bookcase in The Prince’s Apartment in Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong.

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First, you need to access her apartment, and to do so you have to head to the office of her Secretary, April Bosley. She will be preoccupied with another NPC, so head past her into the office and immediately into the elevator. Upon arriving in the Prince’s Apartment, you will notice a music stand and violin — take note of the musical notes circled on the paper for later. Scour the foyer and the rest of the apartment for extra items before moving on — there are consumables that will help you in future stages by restoring your Hunger or Skill meter.

Related: How to open the music box at the Red Salon in Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong

Head to the bedroom and give it a strong look through — you should find a miniature Swan Sculpture. Head back to the foyer and find the giant swan statue and place the sculpture on it. This will open up the bookcase. You’ll notice five books lettered A, B, C, D, and F. Pull the books in the order shown on the music sheet at the entrance to the apartment, and you will find a hidden compartment, completing the side objective. From here, head back to the elevator to end the intermission and progress.