How to beat Dementula in Dolmen

The first boss of Dolmen can be deadly, here’s how to defeat it.

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The first boss you’ll encounter in Dolmen is a giant spider named Dementula. It looks like it came straight from our nightmares but this monster can certainly be defeated. Here are your best strategies on how to beat it.

Wear it down

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Dementula has a strict pattern of moves that you can get down after a few attempts at defeating it. No matter what, if you see a red mark above its head, tap the dodge button (B on Xbox or circle on PlayStation systems) to the left or the right. It can be a bit clunky to control so try to spam it whenever you try to avoid any attack.

Don’t bother with your weapons as they require blue energy to utilize. Instead, use your energy to reclaim your health by pressing the X button (or square on PlayStation). If you need to gain more blue energy, press down on the D-Pad to use an item.

The opportune moment

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The best time to regain energy during this boss fight is after it leaps at you or after it sends out a poison blob for the third time; this is a good moment to attack your foe, too.

At one point, Dementula will spawn smaller spiders as attacking minions. For a few short seconds, it will be vulnerable to attack as it tries to regain its composure. Get in four or five strikes, and then eliminate its minions as they begin to ambush you. They’re relatively weak, but keep up your shield with the LB button (L1) when you can as Dementula will begin to rain down poison blobs at you once more.

Watch out

When Dementula’s health reaches just a quarter of its health, it will begin to use a spinning attack that covers more of an area. Be wearier at this point, dodge backward, and strike at the most opportune moments like after its leap or after the third poison blob.

Attack at these vital points of the battle, and you will defeat the Dementula. After this fight, you’ll be showered with 8,000 nanites and materials to craft with. Using a fast travel point, teleport back to your ship and level up before losing these nanites.