What is the archives safe code in Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong?

April shouldn’t be trusted with safe codes.

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Journey has gone missing. She isn’t anywhere to be found in the Prince’s Chamber. The prince wants Emem to track her down so she can get to the bottom of the Red Alert and what could have caused it. Your search will take you to the archives where Journey was digging around for a few documents. Amongst the various drawers of the archives, a metal safe stands out. Unfortunately, unless you are good at safecracking, you aren’t getting into this safe without the proper code. Here is how you can get your hands on the archives safe code in Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong.

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During your trek through the Prince’s Chambers, you will end up in a room with a few offices. Within the offices, you will see some peculiar sights that all link back to Journey being involved with Abigail and finding a way to clear her name since it is believed that Journey caused the Red Alert. After checking around the offices, you will eventually make your way into the archives either by picking the lock or using a keycard that is found within the offices.

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Head to the right in the archives, and you will find a safe in the back wall. You can try to pick the lock of the safe but odds are you won’t be able to. Go to the other side of the archives and check the wall on the side you came in. Amongst the drawers, you will open one with a small sticky note on the binders inside. It seems April isn’t very good at hiding the combinations of things because the sticky note will tell you that the safe code is still the same. It is 9138, and it is signed A. Bosley. You can thank April’s mistake for allowing you to gain access to the safe. Interact with the safe and type in the code for it to open up.