How to decode the note using the Fibonacci sequence in the Acquainted With the Future case in Chinatown Detective Agency

Translate the gibberish.


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When you come towards the end of the Acquainted With the Future case in Chinatown Detective Agency, you’ll almost certainly hit the roadblock that is the Fibonacci sequence. You may not know it at first, but this is the code you need to use to understand the final important note that you discover. This guide explains how to use the Fibonacci sequence to decode the note and find Kon before he does something stupid.

How to decode the note using the Fibonacci sequence

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The note you pick up is an image that was printed on a device from the 1990s. At the top, you’ll have some incomprehensible text with an image made up of a swirly line and numbers at the bottom. It makes very little sense, and unless you have some understanding of complex mathematics, you’ll need a hint. Call Mei Ting, and she’ll explain that the image is the Fibonacci sequence, which you likely need to use to decode the text above. While you can pay her to give you the answer, it’s more fun to work it out for yourself.

The Fibonacci sequence is a complicated system based on increasing a number based on the numbers that come before it. The example Mei Ting gives is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 and so on. When you apply this sequence to the text on the image, you get the word “iinfinity SG.” If you ask Mei Ting for the answer, she’ll tell you it’s “ilnfinity SG” for some reason, but Sammy won’t accept this answer. Give him the correct answer, “iinfinity SG,” and he’ll understand what you mean and where you need to go next. You’re approaching the end of the game now, so great ready for the explosive reveal.