How to make the Combbelton Cemetery jump in Infernax

Timing is key.

Image via Berzerk Studio

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Infernax throws back to the days of Castlevania on the NES. That means you’ll need to make your way through several different types of platforming challenges. One of the toughest of these comes at the Combbelton Cemetery just before Infernax’s second dungeon. You’ll need to master some tricky timing to get through this, so let’s take a look at what you need to know.

Screenshot by Gamepur

You’ll find the Combbelton Cemetery toward the bottom of the map in the area that is highlighted in the image above. Before entering the puzzle room proper, you’ll need to do a few easy jumps and fight some weaker enemies. This part shouldn’t give you too much trouble if you’ve made it to this point in the game.

Screenshot by Gamepur

Eventually, you’ll find yourself in a room full of dropping spiked platforms. This seems troublesome at first, but with some careful planning, all three rooms are actually pretty simple. What you want to do is jump to platforms quickly when they’re open, but be patient if the jump isn’t immediately available. The platforms will immediately drop as soon as their reach their apex, so you can jump off of your platform right as that happens and know that the next platform will be waiting for you. Take a few leaps of faith and you should make it through the three-room gauntlet without any issues.