How Elemental Wards work in Nobody Saves the World

Best to keep your moveset varied.

Image via Drinkbox Studios

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The Ward system in Nobody Saves the World mandates that you keep your moveset varied, regardless of which form you’re using. If you attack an enemy, hear a clanking noise, and see that your attack did no damage, there’s a pretty solid chance your foe has an Elemental Ward, and you’ll have to get rid of it before taking them down.

Enemies with Elemental Wards are invulnerable to all attacks except ones that match the element of their Ward. You can typically tell an enemy’s Ward by looking at the icon above their life bar. If you see a sword, the enemy’s Ward is Sharp; a hammer icon means the enemy’s Ward is Blunt; if you see an icon featuring a dark cloud and a crescent moon, that means the enemy’s Ward is Dark; finally, a bright yellow cloud with stars in it signals a Light Ward.

Upon identifying your enemy’s Ward, you’ll want to hit them with an attack matching the said Ward. For example, Dark Warded enemies should be hit by Dark-type attacks. This will break the Ward and make them vulnerable to all types of attacks. Once the Ward is broken, it usually can’t be restored. However, there are certain types of enemies found later in the game that do have this ability, and must have their Wards broken again prior to taking damage.

When preparing to go into a dungeon, you can also see what Wards enemies will have before entering. Either step up to the dungeon entrance or hover the cursor over a dungeon on the map to see the icons indicating what Wards you can expect.

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