How to clear the Ancient Robot dungeon in Nobody Saves the World

You’ll have to use the power of Light here.

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The Ancient Robot is one dungeon you’ll encounter relatively early on in Nobody Saves the World, and its unique attributes force you to approach combat a tad differently than you normally would. Here’s what you can expect from this dungeon and how you can overcome it with ease.

The Ancient Robot is filled with enemies that have either Light or Sharp Wards, meaning that they can only be damaged after being hit by either Light or Sharp attacks. As such, it’s important to customize your desired form’s moveset to include both Light and Sharp techniques.

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One form we recommend using is the Slug, as its signature move, Tear Burst, is already a ranged Light-type attack. To counter enemies with Sharp Wards, we equipped the Slug with the Arrow Flurry move. Below is the list of active and passive abilities we outfitted the Slug with before beating the dungeon.

Active Abilities:

  • Arrow Flurry
  • Slime Slide
  • Tear Burst

Passive Abilities:

  • Slug’s Secret
  • Horsepower

The key to victory here is to take a ranged approach to combat. One of the Ancient Robot dungeon’s unique traits is that its enemies explode upon death, which will hurt you if caught in the explosion. As such, melee builds are highly discouraged here. The Slug excels greatly at keeping enemies at bay; the trail of ooze it leaves behind when traveling will slow any foes that try to follow it, making them prime targets for your Tear Burst or Arrow Flurry attacks. As long as you can counter enemies’ Wards while keeping your distance, you shouldn’t have too hard of a time making it through the dungeon.

The Ancient Robot Dungeon Boss

This boss has a rather annoying trait. It spits out projectiles that, in turn, spit out several smaller projectiles in all directions. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed here, as the game begins to resemble a bullet-hell title closely. Like all other bosses, you’ll be joined by waves of enemies as well. When a new wave spawns, kill the regular enemies first, then focus fire on the boss with Tear Burst. Make sure you’re as far away as possible from the boss’ projectiles as well, which should allow you more time to react to them. Once the boss goes down, grab the dungeon’s Gem Shard, and you’ll have conquered the Ancient Robot dungeon.