Call of Duty: Warzone player discovers a secret cave full of loot in Caldera map

There’s always a secret behind a waterfall.

Image via Raven Software

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The first season of Call of Duty: Vanguard-related content has come to Warzone, and it features many changes to the game. These changes range from the addition of the Richochet Anti Cheat System to new operators and a new battle pass. Yet, the most obvious of these changes is the pacific-themed map titled Caldera, and with a new map comes secrets to uncover.

The first of these secrets were found by a Warzone player known as Spartan3319, who discovered a hidden loot cave. This cave is located around the Power Plant on the far left side of the map, as you can see in the clip below. Yet, as stated in the clip, players must head through the left side of a waterfall to enter the hidden cave.

Spartan3319 goes on to talk about potential uses for the hidden cave, like completing “Most Wanted” contracts, finding rare loot, and the possibilities of the bunker inside opening in the future. They also aptly point out that most people don’t know about this spot yet since the map is merely days old.

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Yet, like everything put out on the internet, people will find it. Spartan3319’s Tiktok already has almost 52 thousand views, and you can be sure everyone you kill jumping out of this cave will remember. Therefore, if you wish to use this hidden cave for easy wins, you should hop on it asap.