How to complete Radio Silence in Deathloop

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Radio Silence is one of the VIsionary Leads in Deathloop that you can follow to discover one of the final actions you need to take in the game. It’s also one of the longest missions that you’ll undertake in the game, with several twists and turns along the way. This guide shows you how to complete the mission in the most efficient way possible.

Step 1: Check out the power station

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Your first action is to investigate the power station in The Complex. You can only do this in the morning because Julianna has ordered Eternalists to close up the area by noon. Make your way to the power station by following the waypoint, but be careful to sneak as much as possible. There are many Eternalists gathered outside of the power station, making it difficult to get inside. If you can, use the Aether Slab to sneak up and hack the turret in the doorway to get it to take some of your enemies out for you. Once you’re inside the power station, you’ll find the door inside is open.

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Head inside, and you’ll find a new area that’s filled with Eternalists. But, before taking them on, check out the desk. Here you can see four switches and four locked doors, one for each of the main locations in the game. These will become important very soon.

Go down the stairs outside of this room and clear out all of the Eternalists. Then, go through the doors between the generators and kill the Eternalists in there as well. With all the enemies out of the way, you need to find a battery. If you go back up the stairs, there’s one at the very top just over the railing sitting on a chair. Alternatively, the Null Field Generator in the next room has one. Deploy it and then take the battery from it while it’s active.

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You need to charge this battery in the charging unit between the two rooms. Take the fully charged battery into the first room you entered as you came down the stairs. The two generators in here have buttons, but they don’t work. You need to put a battery in the slot above the button before pressing it. One fully charged battery can be used across both of these generators. When they’re both on, head back up to the desk.

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With 200 Power Units flowing, you can send power to The Complex to unlock the locked door here. This door opens the way to Tidevarv Station, which you now need to explore. Take a good look around at all the documents and files in the area. You need to find one that mentions The Archives, which gives you the following location that you need to explore.

Step 2: Check out The Archives

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Initially, you can head off to search The Archives, which are in Updaam, at any time of day, so head there at noon straight after going into the power station at The Complex. The Archives are close to your tunnel entrance, but they’re blocked. A note on the shutter to the building tells you that an Eternalist will be leaving a gap open for someone else to get in this afternoon. So head to the exit for now and return in the afternoon.

Step 3: The Archives in the afternoon

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Sure enough, when you return in the afternoon, there’s a gap in the shutter for you to get in through. So head up the stairs and investigate the room thoroughly. The file you need to pick up is in the bookshelf, sticking out ever so slightly.

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This file directs you to the RAK. This is a locked door at the bottom of some stairs to your right as you leave the gap in the shutter to The Archives. Head down there and read the note on the door. This is important because it gives you a code you need to use in the power station later. Ours was 094, but yours may be different. You can get inside the RAK with a password from the same area, but you won’t be able to get in through the main door in there without three other passwords.

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The door will only open if you get three passwords from the remaining three locked doors that you haven’t explored. These are only accessible after being powered up at the power station in the morning. For now, this means that you can’t progress any further until you start a new day. Take the evening to explore a new area and find an exciting way to kill a Visionary. Then, return to the power station the next day.

Step 4: Return to the power station in the morning

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Go back to the power station and repeat what you did the first time around. Get inside and kill all of the Eternalists in both rooms. Then, instead of using the battery to charge only two generators, use it in both rooms and power up four generators. In the second room, you’ll notice that there’s a tunnel on the right-hand side as you come through the door. It’s behind the vehicle parked in there.

Follow the tunnel, and you’ll find two more generators. However, these are guarded by traps. Sneak up to the first generator and carefully disable the laser traps around it. You’ll need to hop over one at the end, go along the walkway, and hack the turret before it shoots you, and you can continue. This is much easier with the Aether Slab. Disable all the lasers, then move across to the second generator. This one has proximity mines around it, so carefully disable these as you approach them. If any of these traps detonate, they’ll destroy the generators.

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Once all the traps are disabled, power up both of these generators. You may have to return to the battery charger, but it’s worth it to have 600 Power Units in one morning. Get back to the desk, and you’ll see three dials to the bottom-left of the four yellow switches. Type in your code from the RAK door, ours was 094, and it’ll open the switch boxes.

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Send power to Updaam, Fristad Rock, and Karl’s Bay. There’s no need to send power to The Complex since you’ve already explored that locked door. By sending power to all three other locations, you can successfully explore all of the locked areas over the course of the rest of the day.

Step 5: Visit Sova Station in Fristad Rock

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The first station we went to was Sova Station in Fristad Rock. The door is just around the corner from the main entrance to where you’ll find Fia. Take out the Eternalists and go inside. Search everywhere until you find the password that you need. You’ll get an on-screen prompt once you have. Then, you can either kill Fia and get a new Slab or an upgrade or simply head for the exit.

Step 6: Akkar Station in Karl’s Bay

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The next station we hit was Akkar Station in Karl’s Bay. This is out of the way, right around the corner from the hangars on the oceanfront. When you go inside, you’ll have a conversation with another Colt and pick up an audio log from which you can get the next password.

Step 7: Yasen Station in Updaam

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The last station to reach is Yasen Station in Updaam. Make your way there around the masses of Eternalists that have gathered in the area and you’ll find the final password for the RAK. You can now either kill the Visionaries in the area or take a peaceful exit.

Step 8: Return to the RAK

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The final step is to head back to the RAK in the morning of the following day. Get down there and unlock the door with your passwords to finally enter the room and get a good look at the RAK. There will be a new story cutscene in here that’s quite haunting if you pay attention to it. This completes the mission.

Now that you’ve completed Radio Silence, you can return to the RAK at any time of day. However, it doesn’t work without a certain level of loop destabilization. This means that you must kill all seven Visionaries before you can use the RAK to finally reach Julianna. When you figure out how to do that, this is where you must come, so make sure that the last place you end up in the evening is Updaam.