Hitman 3 Featured Contract | Corporate Interests #3 Silent Assassin guide

Conquer the final challenge.


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Corporate Interests #3 is the third and final Featured Contract added to Hitman 3 by Screen Rant. It’s the most challenging of this set of three and has some extremely specific requirements if you want to earn the maximum score possible. This guide shows you how to complete it with all objectives achieved and a rank of Silent Assassin.


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The loadout for this mission isn’t as specific as it looks, but you must adhere to some of these items to make our route work. First, you need to choose the Restaurant Kitchen starting location. This ensures you start the mission with the dumpling cook disguise, and since your suit doesn’t matter for this mission, it’s perfect. The only item that’s essential for this mission is a pistol. We’ve chosen to go with the ICA 19 Goldballer. Our loadout shows a remote explosive in our inventory and one smuggled in through the apartment. These aren’t necessary, but they might help if you struggle to master our route and don’t care about missing two objectives.

Step 1: Get to the apartment building

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From your starting location, pick up the huge meat cleaver on the table in the kitchen and then go out the back door and down the stairs. As you emerge into the alley, you’ll see a woman trying to remember the code for the nearby door desperately. Subdue her and dump her body in the nearby bin. After she’s out of the way, you’ll see your first target leaning against a container. Subdue him and drag him back to where the woman was standing. You can dump his body over the wall at the back of this alley to get an accidental fall kill, completing all objectives for this target in one.

Now you need to run through the alley, past the two guards at its entrance, and over to the apartment building. If you’ve opted to go with our smuggled item, then you’ll be able to tell which building it is from your minimap, but it should be familiar to anyone with basic map knowledge of Chongqing. It’s directly opposite this alleyway.

Step 2: Lure out the guards and kill the second target

Inside the apartment building, make your way up the stairs and use the lockpick to unlock the first door on the right. This is the apartment where the smuggled item will be, but you may not need it if you pull this off right. Pick up the coins on the table inside the apartment and head back into the hallway. You need to flip a coin down to the bottom of the stairs, then run down and pick it up.

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Run back up to the top of the stairs and wait for the first guard to come and investigate. They will wait at the bottom of the stairs and walk away if you let them. Once they’re waiting at the bottom of the stairs, flip the coin in the hallway just in front of you. This will draw them up the stairs. However, you need to walk down and get behind them before they climb the stairs. When they’re about halfway up, subdue them. Now you can hide their body in the wardrobe inside the apartment you just unlocked.

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Do the same for the second guard downstairs. Then, with both guards out of the way, distract and subdue the target. You need to drag their body to the bike that’s just outside the apartment building’s doors.

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No one will see the body as long as it’s hidden by the bike. Walk back into the apartment building and then shoot the bike until it explodes. This will kill the target with an accidental explosion. When the body is eventually discovered, it won’t ruin your Silent Assassin rank because it’s an accidental kill. If you can’t make this work, you can use the explosive device you smuggled in to kill the target and then hide the body, but this won’t count as an accidental kill.

Step 3: The propane tank

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Run up the stairs inside the apartment building and use the door to get onto the roof. From here, you need to drop down where the wall is broken, shimmy along to the ledge, and then get up onto the drainpipe. Use this drainpipe to access the rooftop above. Once you’re on the rooftop, avoid the two guards and move around to the left of the cage. There’s a walkway on the right with a camera that you can shoot to get across easily. The propane tank is around the balcony there.

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Below is a map reference for this propane tank.

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Now make your way back to where the drainpipe leads to this rooftop. You need to throw the propane tank onto the rooftop below so that you can pick it up and take it with you after you’ve climbed down. Throw it and wait for the guard it distracts to investigate and walk away again. Then, climb down, grab the propane tank, and get out of the apartment building.

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Step 4: Kill the shop owner

Run up the street to the left of the apartment building’s entrance to reach the shop owner, your next target. Wait for her to leave the shop and go for a smoke. Make your way to this location and place the propane tank on the street just in front of where she will be standing.

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Move to the truck behind this location, crouch down, and wait for the target to come back for another smoke. When she does, shoot the propane tank twice to cause it to explode. As before, this will be an accidental explosive kill, so it doesn’t matter if the body is found. Alternatively, you can use a remote explosive device to kill her here, but the body will be found, and you won’t retain your Silent Assassin rating.

Step 5: The restaurant encounter

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Your final target is eating dinner in the restaurant where this all began. Run back there and walk up through the main doors. You need to trigger the conversation between The Board Member and the ICA Representative. To your left is a path through the restaurant to your target and his wife. Wait until the cook cleaning tables walks up this path. When he does, subdue him.

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Wait for the ICA Representative to walk through the kitchen and leave. Then, wait for the cook standing next to the door she went through to enter the kitchen. As soon as he does, drag this body into the toilets through the door directly behind you. There’s only a window of a few seconds to do this in, so do it quickly.

With that body hidden, make your way back to the table where you subdued the cook. Flip a coin onto the floor to draw out the target’s wife. When she’s about to walk away, subdue her and hide her in the container. Flip the coin again to draw out the target and kill him with the meat cleaver we took earlier. You can dump his body in the same container.

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You’re now free to pick any exit you’d like. We recommend the scooter at the top of the street because it’s the closest and will net you the highest score.

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