Hearthstone Descent of Dragons: Meta Deck Predictions

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Descent of Dragons is an exciting expansion, with the potential for a very diverse meta. Of the four basic deck archetypes (Aggro, Control, Midrange, and Combo), Aggro eventually won out the last expansion, in part thanks to the returning Wild cards.

These are my predictions for the necessary variety of most popular deck for each class. Keep in mind some of these predictions are for existing decks to maybe slot in a few new cards, not necessarily entirely new decks.

Druid: Treant Token Druid

I believe that the early stages of the meta are going to be so aggressive that Quest Druid will struggle. While it may make a come back later, Token Druid is looking to be a strong contender regardless.

The Treant package has received more and more support over the last year, culminating in Descent of Dragons’ release, which looks to aim to fill in the gaps of the Treant version of the deck having no early game and gassing out quickly in the midgame.

Combining the Treant and Dragon packages available to Druid with cards like Ysera, Unleashed creates a powerhouse of a deck.

Hunter: Face Hunter

It’s Face Hunter’s time to make a comeback in this expansion. There are three aggressive decks I think will be viable once this meta shifts toward Control and Face Hunter is one of them.

Face Hunter is back and ready to SmOrc some more. With a powerful Rush package and other cards that let them gain the board early and keep a dominating lead. Also, cards like Dragonbane, which are aggressively statted and can potentially gain board or deal face damage depending on how the game is going.

The deck will likely run a modified variant of the Beast and Mech packages from previous expansions and may shake out into two distinct options based on that. In either case, I expect to see a few dragons run to make use of Stormhammer’s incredible damage potential.

Mage: Elemental/Cycle Mage

The Cyclone Mage deck was pretty popular last expansion, and it’s looking to get a huge boost here with cards like Chenvaala, Elemental Allies, and Mana Giant. Of the potential Mage packages, this looks like the strongest and most versatile, having both a huge board presence and spell power.

Paladin: Aggro Paladin

This deck is likely to take one of two forms: “Paladin Paladin” using cards like Lightforged Crusader will optimize only class cards or a more Token oriented deck. Both will be strong, and the Token variant rewards those using Sky Claw with cards like Microtech Controller.

Priest: Combo/Tempo Priest

Priest gets a raw deal this expansion, so I’m expecting their best deck will still be the High Priest Amet focused Divine Spirit/Inner Fire deck from last expansion.

There’s some potential for a brutal Combo Priest using a combination of Prophet Velen, Grave Rune, Embalming Ritual, Auchenai Phantasm, and Regenerate to blast the opponent for tons of damage. Still, the setup required seems like it would make that deck far too inconsistent, and the deckbuilding restrictions are strict.

Rogue: Tempo Deathrattle Rogue

The current Tempo Rogue is already strong, and Necrium Apothecary is a fantastic addition to it. I expect it will be a terrifying deck overall, with both substantial early and mid-late game potential.

Shaman: Quest Galakrond Shaman

Quest Shaman is already robust and modular to build. Slotting in Galakrond and the Invoke cards that go with it is insanely easy, and increase your early board presence by a lot.

At first glance, having two effects modify your Hero Power seems like anti-synergy. However, keep in mind that you can activate Heart of Vir’nal ad then play Galakrond, dumping a whopping four 8/8 minions with Rush onto the board as early as turn nine, or eight with the coin, is a backbreaking move for your opponent.

In essence, Galakrond is your finisher, not an early game goal.

Warlock: Galakrond Zoolock

Zoolock is eternal. Zoolock always survives, even when it does not thrive.

This expansion I expect it to do the latter, having insanely easy refills and a whole lot of reason to run Galakrond. Dump wave after wave after wave of minions on the board; eventually, something sticks.

Warrior: Tempo Warrior

This one was a tough call, the current form of Aggro/Tempo Warrior potentially receiving an upgrade or Pirate Warrior would take the lead.

Pirate Warrior can be a sturdy deck. However, I had to give it to a Galakrond augmented Tempo Warrior, which slots out some of the weaker cards of that decklist for the Galakrond package and some dragons. You need to use cards like Scion of Ruin to take the board and chipping away at the opponent with constant “charge” damage via Invoking Galakrond for a plus-three attack.